Industrial dismantling in Peñacastillo

August, 2016

The demolitions and their corresponding waste management have been carried out, for the refurbishment of an industrial warehouse in the El Campón polygon, Peñacastillo (Santander), which changes its use, going from being a furniture store to an Audi dealer.
The first work consisted in the demolition and removal, by light machinery and manually, of the existing elements. Metal and concrete slabs have been demolished subsequently, as well as offices, toilets and facades.

To raise the roof of the basement of the warehouse, it has been necessary to demolish the concrete slab of the warehouse, by backhoe with demolisher, while the concrete beams of the wrought, have been cut with diamond wire, to avoid damages in the structure of the warehouse.
All the material coming from the demolition has been managed and taken to authorized landfill.

Tirso, desmantelamiento Audi, desguace nave industrial Hercos, Demolición rosilloTirso, desmantelamiento Audi, desguace nave industrial Hercos, Demolición rosilloTirso, desmantelamiento Audi, desguace nave industrial Hercos, Demolición rosilloTirso, desmantelamiento Audi, desguace nave industrial Hercos, Demolición rosillo